Pillar is committed to meeting or exceeding environmental related requirements through the continual improvement of its environmental management system and the prevention of pollution. Pillar will continue to develop and monitor environmental objectives and targets to remain a concerned and considerate steward of the community.
Pillar strives to be protective of personnel, considerate of the environment, and respectful of the communities in which the company works. We treat employees, stakeholders, and others who are affected by our activities fairly and without prejudice. We seek to ensure that our employees comply with the highest ethical standards, and provide employees with incentives to promote healthy lifestyles with high-quality medical care.
Pillar considers proper corporate governance to be a prerequisite for value creation and trustworthiness. In order to secure strong and sustainable corporate governance, we ensure healthy business practices, reliable financial reporting and an environment of compliance with legislation and regulations. We have established sound internal controls and procedures to protect the company’s assets by minimizing the likelihood and impact of wastage and violations. We maintain our reputation by exhibiting fairness, transparency and diligence in our approach to business.
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